Additional Data Quality Checks

This page details all of the Additional Checks in this instance of the Data Quality Tool. The is prefixed by text such as "X of your grants have..." in almost all cases, apart from when the check refers to the whole dataset (eg the multiple Funding Org check). The is displayed if the check is triggered. The describes how the check works under-the-hood.



a value of £0
It’s worth taking a look at these grants and deciding if they should be included in your data. It’s unusual to have grants of £0, but there may be a reasonable explanation. If £0 value grants are to be published in your data consider adding an explanation to the description of the grant to help anyone using the data to understand how to interpret the information.
Check if any grants have an amountAwarded of 0. Checks explicitly for a number with a value of 0


a Funding Org:Identifier that does not draw from a recognised register
In the 360Giving Data Standard, organisation identifiers have two parts: an identifier and a prefix which describes the list the identifier is taken from. This error notice is caused by the prefix in an organisation identifier not being taken from a recognised register from the org-id list locator. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Check if any grants have FundingOrg IDs that use a prefix that isn't on the Org ID prefix codelist


a Recipient Org:Identifier that does not draw from a recognised register
In the 360Giving Data Standard, organisation identifiers have two parts: an identifier and a prefix which describes the list the identifier is taken from. This error notice is caused by the prefix in an organisation identifier not being taken from a recognised register from the org-id list locator. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Check if any grants have RecipientOrg IDs that use a prefix that isn't on the Org ID prefix codelist


a value provided in the Recipient Org:Charity Number column that doesn’t look like a UK charity number
Common causes of this error notice are missing or extra digits, typos or incorrect values such as text appearing in this field. You can check UK charity numbers online at FindthatCharity. This error may also be triggered by correctly formatted non-UK charity numbers, in which case this message can be ignored.
Check if any grants have RecipientOrg charity numbers that don't look like charity numbers Checks if the first two characters are letters, then checks that the remainder of the value is a number 6 or 7 digits long.


a value provided in the Recipient Org:Company Number column that doesn’t look like a company number
Common causes of this error notice are missing or extra digits, typos or incorrect values such as text appearing in this field. UK Company numbers are typically 8 digits, for example 09876543 or sometimes start with a 2 letter prefix, SC123459. You can check company numbers online at Companies House. This error may also be triggered by correctly formatted non-UK company numbers, in which case this message can be ignored.
Checks if any grants have RecipientOrg company numbers that don't look like company numbers Checks if the value is 8 characters long, and that the last 6 of those characters are numbers


a Funding or Recipient Organisation identifier that might not be valid
The identifiers might not be valid for the recognised register that they refer to - for example, an identifier with the prefix 'GB-CHC' that contains an invalid charity number. Common causes of this are missing or extra digits, typos or incorrect values such as text appearing in this field. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Checks if any grants have org IDs for fundingOrg or recipientOrg that don't look correctly formatted for their respective registration agency (eg GB-CHC- not looking like a valid company number) Looks at the start of the ID - if it's GB-CHC- or GB-COH-, performs the relevant format check


a Funding or Recipient Organisation identifier contains unexpected characters. This grant will not appear in GrantNav.
The org-id contains unexpected characters such as line breaks. These characters break 360Giving tools including GrantNav, so the affected grants will not appear in 360Giving's tools unless the unexpected characters are removed. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Checks if any grants have org IDs for fundingOrg or recipientOrg that contain unexpected chars. Currently this is just line breaks.


a Grant Identifier contains unexpected characters. This grant will not appear in GrantNav.
The Grant Identifier contains unexpected characters such as line breaks. These characters break 360Giving tools including GrantNav, so the affected grants will not appear in 360Giving's tools unless the unexpected characters are removed. See our guidance on grant identifiers for further help.
Checks if any grant IDs contains unexpected chars. Currently this is just line breaks.


{} different funding organisation identifiers listed
If you are only publishing for a single funder then you should review your Funding Organisation identifier field to see where multiple IDs have occurred. If you are expecting to be publishing data for multiple funders and the number of funders is correct, then you can ignore this error notice.
Checks if the file contains multiple FundingOrganisation:IDs


text that looks like an email address
Your data may contain an email address (or something that looks like one), which can constitute personal data if it is the email of an individual. The use and distribution of personal data is restricted by the Data Protection Act. You should ensure that any personal data is removed from your data prior to publishing it, or that it is only included with the knowledge and consent of the person to whom it refers.
Checks if any grants contain text that looks like an email address The check looks for any number of alphanumerics, dots or hyphens, followed by an @ sign, followed by any number of alphanumerics, dots or hyphens, with a minimum of one dot after the @


dates that don’t exist
Your data contains dates that didn't, or won't, exist - such as the 31st of September, or the 29th of February in a year that's not a leap year. This error is commonly caused by typos during data entry.
Check if dates supplied are plausible (eg no 31st Feb) or are plausible but didn't happen (eg 29th of Feb in a non-leap year).


Planned Dates:Start Date entries that are after the corresponding Planned Dates:End Date
This can happen when the fields are accidentally reversed, or if there is a typo in the date. This can also be caused by inconsistent date formatting when data was prepared using spreadsheet software.
Check if Planned Dates:Start Date is after Planned Dates:End Date


Actual Dates:Start Date entries that are after the corresponding Actual Dates:End Date
This can happen when the fields are accidentally reversed, or if there is a typo in the date. This can also be caused by inconsistent date formatting when data was prepared using spreadsheet software.
Check if Actual Dates:Start Date is after Actual Dates:End Date'


Planned Dates that are over 12 years in the future
Your data contains Planned Dates that are more than 12 years into the future. You can disregard this error notice if your data describes activities that run a long time into the future, but you should check for data entry errors if this isn't expected.
Check if dates in plannedDates are > 12 years into the future, from the present day.


Actual Date entries that are over 5 years in the future
Your data contains Actual Date entries that are more than 5 years into the future. You can disregard this error notice if your data describes activities far in the future, but you should check for data entry errors if this isn't expected.
Check if dates in actualDates are > 5 years into the future, from the present day.


dates that are over 25 years ago
Your data contains dates that are more than 25 years ago. You can disregard this error notice if your data is about activities far in the past, but you should check for data entry errors if this isn't expected.
Check if dates in awardDate, plannedDates, actualDates are > 25 years in the past, from the present day.


Award Dates that are in the future
Your data contains grant Award Dates in the future. This date is when the decision to award the grant was made so it would normally be in the past. This error can happen when there is a typo in the date, or the data includes grants that are not yet fully committed
Check if dates in awardDate is in the future, from the present day.


Recipient Ind but no To Individuals Details:Grant Purpose or To Individuals Details:Primary Grant Reason
Your data contains grants to individuals, but without the grant purpose or grant reason codes. This can make it difficult to use data on grants to individuals, as much of the information is anonymised, so it is recommended that you share these codes for all grants to individuals.
Check for grants with recipientIndividual, but no toIndividualsDetails.


Recipient Ind and DEI information
Your data contains grants to individuals which also have DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) information. You must not share any DEI data about individuals as this can make them personally identifiable when combined with other information in the grant.
Check for grants with recipientIndividual, and DEI info (under "project").


Geographic Code that looks like a postcode
Your data contains a Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code that looks like a postcode on grants to individuals. You must not share any postcodes for grants to individuals as this can make them personally identifiable when combined with other information in the grant.
Check for grants with a beneficiaryLocation geoCode that looks like a postcode.


a Recipient Org:Identifier that starts '360G-'
Use an external reference, such as a charity or company number, to identify an organisation whenever possible. Doing so makes it possible to see when recipients have received grants from multiple funders, and allows grants data to be linked or combined with information from official registers. Some organisations, such as small unregistered groups, do not have an official registration number that can be used. In these cases the organisation identifier should start ‘360G-‘ and use an identifier taken from the publisher’s internal systems. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Check if any grants are using RecipientOrg IDs that start 360G or 360g


a Funding Org:Identifier that starts '360G-'
Use an external reference, such as a charity or company number, to identify a funding organisation whenever possible. Some funders do not have an official registration number that can be used. In these cases the funding organisation identifier should reuse the publisher prefix and therefore start with “360G-”. See our guidance on organisation identifiers for further help.
Check if any grants are using FundingOrg IDs that start 360G or 360g


not have either a Recipient Org:Company Number or a Recipient Org:Charity Number
Company and charity numbers are important for understanding grantmaking in the UK and including these separately makes it easier for users to match grants data with official sources of information about the recipients. If your grants are to organisations that don’t have UK Company or UK Charity numbers, you can ignore this notice.
Checks if any grants don't have either a Recipient Org:Company Number or Recipient Org:Charity Number


not have recipient organisation location information
Recipient location data in the form of postcodes or geocodes provides a consistent way to describe a location. This data can be used to produce maps, such as the maps in 360Insights, showing the geographical distribution of funding and allows grants data to be looked at alongside official statistics, such as the Indices of multiple deprivation. See our guidance on location data for further help.
Checks if any grants lack one of either Recipient Org:Postal Code or both of Recipient Org:Location:Geographic Code and Recipient Org:Location:Geographic Code Type


not contain any Grant Programme fields
Grant programme names help users to understand a funder’s different types of funding and priorities, and see how their grants vary across and within these. This information is especially useful when it refers to the communities, sectors, issues or places that are the focus of the programme. If your organisation does not have grant programmes this notice can be ignored.
Checks if any grants have no Grant Programme fields


not contain any beneficiary location fields
Beneficiary location data in the form of place names and geocodes allow users to understand which places funding is reaching. This data can be more accurate in showing where grants are going geographically, especially in cases where the recipient location is in a different place from the activity being funded. Beneficiary location codes can be used to produce maps, such as the ones in 360Insights, showing the geographical distribution of funding and allows grants data to be looked at alongside official statistics, such as the Indices of multiple deprivation. See our guidance on location data for further help.
Checks if any grants have no Beneficiary Location fields


a title and a description that are the same
Users may find that the data is less useful as they are unable to discover more about the grants. Consider including a more detailed description if you have one.
Checks if any grants have the same text for Title and Description


a title that is longer than recommended
Titles for grant activities should be under 140 characters long so that people can quickly understand the purpose of the grant.
Checks if any grants have Titles longer than 140 characters


not have Last Modified information
Last Modified shows the date and time when information about a grant was last updated in your file. Including this information allows data users to see when changes have been made and reconcile differences between versions of your data.
Check if any grants are missing Last Modified dates


not have Data Source information
Data Source is a web link pointing to the source of this data. It informs users about where information came from and is an important part of establishing trust in your data. This may be a link to an original 360Giving data file, a file from which the data was converted, or your organisation’s website.
Checks if any grants are missing dataSource